Episode #103: The Intersectionality Of Food & Sex, A New Kind Of Date Night & New Ways To Love Yourself, With Amy Reiley, Author + Aphrodisiac Foods Expert



Amy Reiley is an Aphrodisiac Foods Expert and she is nothing short of a totally bad bitch and she has authored several aphrodisiac cook books!!! Fork Me Spoon Me is the name of my favorite one which I have already ordered. Her website, www.EatSomethingSexy.com has many free recipes on there and some are specific to the needs of women and men. I invite you to pour a glass of your favorite beverage, get comfortable and allow Amy and I take you on delectable journey of aphrodisiac enlightenment that you will thank us for later. 












INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):



·      Say Hello To A New Kind Of Date Night

·      The Best Foods For Women

·      The Best Foods For Men

·      Chocolate Is EVERYTHING!!!

·      YaY For Prostate Massagers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

·      Yay Masturbation!!!!!!!!!

·      Accepting Yourself Sexually In A Balanced Way




Website: https://www.EatSomethingSexy.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NaturalAphrodisiacs/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EatSomethngSexy

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ForkMeSpoonMe/






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Email: DeVannon@SDJPodcast.com





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·      COSA – 12 Step Recovery For Victims Of Compulsive Sexual Behavior – https://cosa-recovery.org

·      A Recommended Reading To Help Heal From Narcissism – https://amzn.to/41sg6FO

·      Sex Addicts Anonymous: HTTPS://WWW.SAA.ORG

·      HEALING SCRIPTURES: https://testimon.io/blog/bible-verses-about-healing-sickness

·      COVERT NARCISSIST SIGNS: https://www.healthline.com/health/covert-narcissist#signs

·      GENERAL NARCISSIST SIGNS: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662



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TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk_CqGVfxEs


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·      Hillsong: A Megachurch Exposed (Documentary)



·      Leaving Hillsong Podcast With Tanya Levin




·      Upwork: https://www.upwork.com

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·      Disabled American Veterans (DAV): https://www.dav.org

·      American Legion: https://www.legion.org


·      What The World Needs Now (Dionne Warwick): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfHAs9cdTqg





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You’re listening to the sex drugs and Jesus podcast, where we discuss whatever the fuck we want to! And yes, we can put sex and drugs and Jesus all in the same bed and still be all right at the end of the day. My name is De’Vannon and I’ll be interviewing guests from every corner of this world as we dig into topics that are too risqué for the morning show, as we strive to help you understand what’s really going on in your life.

There is nothing off the table and we’ve got a lot to talk about. So let’s dive right into this episode.

De’Vannon: Amy Riley is an Aphrodisiac Foods expert, and she is nothing short of a totally bad bitch, y’all. Now this woman has authored several aphrodisiac cookbooks, fork Me, spoon Me is the name of my favorite one, which I have already ordered. Her website is called it Eat something sexy.com. I’m gonna say that again.

Eat something sexy.com. [00:01:00] And look at this website has many, many free recipes on there, and some of them are specific to the needs of women and men. So invite you to check it out. I invite you to pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage for me, that’s Pinot noir. Get comfortable and allow amen and I to take you on a delectable journey of Afro DC Act.

Enlightenment that you will be sure to thank us for later. Hello, all my delicious and sexy people out there, and welcome back to the Sex Drugs in Jesus podcast. I’m your host Devon. I have with me the sexy, lovely, intelligent, and talented Ms. Amy Riley. Who is an aphrodisiac food expert and has written a shit ton of books that will help you on your date nights, hell, single nights when you’re trying to, you know, have some time to yourself and everything like that.

How are you doing today? I’m good. Thank [00:02:00]

Amy: you. That was a fun introduction.

De’Vannon: Oh, we haven’t even gotten since she said introduction. Okay, y’all. I usually don’t read people’s intros, but I mean, hers is so god damn good and she’s done so goddamn much and I say, God, with all the love of Jesus and my heart. You know that. So I’m gonna read this. It’ll take me like a minute. And a half, but as Mama RuPaul would say, y’all reading is fundamental.

So sit back, get you a cup of tea. I’ve got my LaCroix right here because I guess I wanted to match my shirt and my beard. I just realized I did that now and I’m also super gay. And so there you go. I’ll have me a sip of that and here we go. Amy Riley is best known as an author I’m sorry, an authority on the Aphrodisiac Foods, but she’s also a speaker, cookbook, author and consultant, as well as a freelance wine writer and wine competition judge.

And that is not [00:03:00] fucking hot. I don’t know what it is. I love me some damn wine. I digress. In 2004, she became the second American to earn a master of arts in Gastomy. Awarded by Francis Culinary Temple Lecard on blue. While at card on Blue, Amy Rose the prominence for her work in Culinary Aphrodisiacs. In 2006, Amy released her first book.

Fork Me, spoon me. E Sensual cookbook cementing her role as America’s leading aphrodisiac food authority. Amy regularly speaks consults on the topic of, I’m sorry, regularly speaks and consults on the topic of aphrodisiac and has appeared on the Today Show, c b s, early Show Nightline and even Playboy tv.

You’ll recognize her as the one wearing clothing. That wouldn’t have been me. I’d have been naked as fuck. You know, you’re, you’re classy. I like that. About in June, 2005, Riley was singled out as one of [00:04:00] the five best female wine professionals in the world. Of the year by France Wine Women Awards and she currently contributes to the wine section of guilt.com.

Is that how you say that? GAO Oh, GAO com. Yes. Take me to France Gal and and which is an internationally recognized journalist. Oh, that’s you. An internationally recognized journalist, Amy has shared her food, wine knowledge in such publications as Variety Sunset, the Daily Mill, Los Angeles and Las Vegas Magazines.

Amy’s second book, Chile Aphrodisia mm-hmm. By Rio Nuevo Press was released in June, 2006. Her other books include Romancing The Stove, the Unabridged Guide to Aphrodisiac Foods and The Love Diet. Amy’s latest book, eat Cake Naked. Aphrodisiac desserts to Heat Up your Love Life. Co-authored by nutrition expert, Delana Fog became an Amazon bestseller [00:05:00] in his first week bitch.

Yes, I added the bitch Bart there. That’s not her right up. Amy lives in Los Angeles, my favorite city in the whole wide world. I can’t wait to move back there, but her husband and two children in her spare time, she works for Rock and wrap it up as as a sustainability coordinator. She, she helps film and television studios, including Universal Netflix and Warner Media, donate leftover catering to those in need rather than let it go in the trash.

These food recovery efforts give her a broad perspective on the social and environmental impact of the food industry. Girl, I have one thing to say. You better work.

Amy: Oh. All right. That was probably the longest and most delicious introduction I’ve ever had. 

De’Vannon: Thank you, [00:06:00] baby. I need you to know you’re well fucking worth it because you know your, your body of work. I. Stems from helping people in the bedroom in their personal lives and their sex lives. This is getting the body image, this is getting into people’s insecurities.

Mm-hmm. This is the people who are overweight. This is getting so many things. And then you have the nerve to give a damn about the less fortunate too. Yes.

Amy: Well, you know, I mean, we all, you know, we all have to, we all have to do something, right? We have, we all have to do something. So that is what I do. 

De’Vannon: May the Lord bless you in, in this fucker. Your goodness, back to you like a million fold because we’re hearing you, y’all donate this food. When I worked at PF Changs mm-hmm.

One of the, one of the managers there. This little bitch ass dude who never got laid. I could tell even though he was married. You know, whenever, say a customer would order something and she would be a can mm-hmm. And she’d be like, oh, there’s a P outta place I don’t want, you know, and she’d send it back.[00:07:00]

Every other manager would let us fucking devour that shit like vultures, because why is this other manager would Nope. Throw it in the way. I, I 

Amy: mean, I, he, he maybe, you know, he had a fear of lawsuits. I mean, there’s always that, you know, there’s always, I’m with you. I’m with you. But I always try to look at it from someone else’s perspective, or maybe he was just an asshole.

De’Vannon: I don’t know. He was just an asshole. The, I’m talking about the servers. We, we, we would eat it. Right. Exactly. 

Amy: Exactly. Yeah. Absolutely. 

De’Vannon: Our employer over food. Now, we did do a class action lawsuit against PF Changs for their draconian labor practices. But not. Oh, interesting. Everybody there was either high on weed cocaine or something and always, well, people with cocaine didn’t have the munchies, but you know, the, the high on weed people did.

We weren’t about to complain about free food. We were starved running back and forth over that big ass. I hear you. I hear you. He was just, yeah, he was just a mean one. [00:08:00] If you’re listening, you know who you are. I’m not gonna call you by name, but I hope you found Jesus and some pussy or some dick, or whatever the hell, because you need it all.

So, so your book covers? Yes. I’m a book cover. Like who? And whenever I write a book, I try to, you know, put a lot of thought into it and make it a whole experience. And yours, you know, all the women pretty much have their coach hanging out. Barry like right there, you know, and she’s like super productive, but it’s not trashy.

If it was trashy, I’d love it anyway, you know? But yours are like sexy, classy, and so y’all. Go and check out those books that I mentioned. Of course her all the links to all of this will be in the show notes. Amy’s website, which is a cool ass website. It’s called Eat something sexy.com. Yep. And she’s on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest.

All this will be in the showy notes as it always is. Okay, so fork and spoon. I [00:09:00] know the most recent book was the dessert book. Mm-hmm. I. I skipped over that and went down to the fork and spoon because I’m not a huge dessert person. Okay, I’ll probably go back. 

Amy: All right. I’ll forgive you. But you know 

De’Vannon: it’s because I’ve lost like 60 pounds in the last like year and a quarter diabetes runs in my family.

Oh yeah. Borderline diabetic and I was able to get rid of that. By Good for you. Eating more vegetables. Mm-hmm. And losing you know, a shit ton of weight and working out, so I don’t, yeah. I don’t start away from the sweets, honey, cuz I don’t like them. It’s because I’ll eat the whole damn pie. Gotcha. I love this.

Amy: Right. Okay. Well then you’re definitely forgiven. You understand the joy of pie, however. Yeah. It’s, if you can’t stop, don’t start. Yeah. 

De’Vannon: Yeah. And that just goes back to my naturally addictive personality, honey, you know, I’m, the shit is just so fucking good. So, in [00:10:00] your own words, because I’ve talked so fucking much, and thank you for your patience, tell us about Aphrodisia eggs, food.

What inspires you? What brought you into this line of work? 

Amy: Well, you know, I, I need to come up with a really good story because the truth is so boring. The truth is, I was working as a freelance wine writer. It was a hard way to make a living. So I wanted to write about some other things and in food and kind of, you know, get more work, right.

And I just, I found the topic of aphrodisiacs and I thought, this is really interesting. And at the time I started writing about it, there wasn’t much competition. It, I will say it was really hard to find the information. So you, you know, I had to embrace the detective work of it. But the truth is I started writing about aphrodisiac cuz I needed to make more money.

So I just really like the topic and, you know, as I dug deeper, I, I, I just, [00:11:00] I, I fell in love. I went on to get my master’s degree in Gastronomy, and I did my dissertation on the relationship between food and sex and popular culture. So, I mean, I’m, I dug deep. Over the years, 

De’Vannon: like I’m all about a deep dig, you know?

You know, as the Lord would tell us, you know, despise not the day of small beginnings, you know, a lot of big things come. I was watching Put and Boots the other the other day, you know? Yeah. Stock wine, you know, who knew all of that was gonna come from a little Bean or as, or his Lady Gaga said it in American Horror Story Hotel.

You know, you never know. You know, how does she say it? You know, what can come or what relationships can develop from a, a single Hello. Mm-hmm. Exactly. So there’s nothing wrong shit. It is what it is. Now, can you tell the world what the fuck gastronomy is? Because I know people are like, sure. It’s, 

Amy: I mean, it’s, it’s the study of food.

It’s food. It’s everything about food [00:12:00] except cooking it. Although we did actually, I mean we talked about cooking it and went. Throughout that course as well. But it’s everything else about food. It’s the history of food, the psychology of food, how food gets infiltrates, other parts of our lives like food in the, we did an act.

We did a, a semester on food in the arts. Mm-hmm. So that’s astronomy 

De’Vannon: reminds me of when I was like, oh, where was I? The Museum of Fine Arts Houston, or at various museums all over the world. And I see those like bowls of fruit and all the paint. Mm-hmm. Thank those, the different things like that with little fly on it and whatever.

Tell me what was the most interesting thing or the thing that you took away from your gastronomy education? Wow. 

Amy: Wow. I, I mean, it gave me this opportunity to it gave me this, this so much time and so many resources to delve into the topic of [00:13:00] aphrodisiacs. And so, you know, I was able to sort of push my career forward because of it, because I, I had, It was, it was very self-indulgent.

It was this self-indulgent time of studying. So, yeah. 

De’Vannon: Well, if you don’t love yourself, is mama Ru. How the hell you don’t love anybody else in here? Tell us how special that LA Card Volu certification of school is. 

Amy: So the program is on hiatus now, and so no one else can get it at the moment. But Right.

That’s, I’m in a very exclusive club, but I, I mean, I think like 20 people a year. So I, I am, I’m in a very small club of people. It’s a very intense, very cool 

De’Vannon: program. So another word y’all. She’s a bad bitch. I’m saying

in her own weight and then wine. Oh, you know? Mm-hmm. I’m, [00:14:00] I ain’t a Karen, but I get personally, you know, for myself, this is me and my snobby. I have wine glasses and I don’t really say this publicly cause I don’t like to talk about the things that I have, especially since I used to be homeless and everything, and I’m very sensitive to that.

But every now and then, I feel like this is befitting, so. Mm-hmm. One of the things that I prided myself on as I begin to, to be built back up from sleeping the backs of cars and roaming the streets every night, was doing it right this time doing it better class. Mm-hmm. Before, you know, so instead of having one wine glass from this place, or some souvenir, cheap glass, frosted wine glass, one glass from Vegas, and she just kind of sloshed together like a bachelor.

I came into my womanhood and I went to like williams sonoma.com and places like that and got actual sets and glasses and things like that. And so now I boast myself of your. Proverbial [00:15:00]homosexual wine cabinet when you open it up. Oh, like rolls and rolls and roll of crystal glasses and champagne flutes, and you know, you have your cabernet glass and you have your pork wine glass, and you have this, and you have that, and everybody’s like, what the fuck do you need all these glasses for?

Because it’s what the fuck I like. 

Amy: Yeah, it’s because you can, that’s amazing. I, it sounds like you have more than I 

De’Vannon: do, honey. We, we’ll, we’ll talk after the show, spiritually speaking. You know, my, my high counselor who raised me evangelist Nelson, always was very fond of having crystal as opposed to just glass.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Eating off China or porcelain or some sort of hard plate instead of paper plates. Mm-hmm. That brings a better spirit to it. It’s a nicer, psychologically and mentally is doing a lot for you when you touch and feel nice. Shit. Yeah. Yeah, 

Amy: I, I would agree with that. I know, so I have two kids and I know when they were really little, like all their friends, all of our friends were, [00:16:00] you know, giving their kids the plastic plate and the plastic cup.

And I’m like, here’s your glass, here’s, here’s your China, don’t throw it on the floor. Mm-hmm. And they never did. Never did. So, They’ve kicked over a few of my wine glasses. Full of wine. That’s kind of, that’s unforgivable, but they’ve always been careful when it’s been given to them. 

De’Vannon: I know. That’s right.

Waste not want not. Mm. Yep. Okay, so y’all, I have one more little story time and after that we’re gonna answer the question on exactly what is an aphrodisiac. Mm-hmm. But I thought this introduction from Amy’s fork me spoon me. Cookbook was like super cute and kind of like it’s a good like intro to it.

It’s a good palate cleanser as we begin to yes, forward. So once a man, I dated two or three times, offered to cook for me because I’m involved in the food business. Most men never work up the nerve [00:17:00] to make me a meal. I was impressed by the boldness of his invitation and yes, I was pretty doubtful as I was pretty doubtful about his cooking skills.

But worry was overshadowed by my interest and what was clearly an open invitation to seduction. Any man who invites you over to dinner on the third date has more than a whipping sole on his mind. Mm-hmm. The meal was delicious. The mood electric, there was a white fish and a mango sauce. Chocolate white wine.

Red wine, and strong cups of coffee. That carried us deep into the night. It was not until much later that he found the nerve to admit he had tried the ambitious menu for the very first time on that night. He chose the ingredients not to showcase his favorite recipes, but because a buddy instructed him to use all the right ingredients to create an Afro DC Act dinner.

Although I wish I could claim it, this story is not my own. So no, we weren’t talking about Amy. Y’all ha ha [00:18:00] got you a magazine food editor. I know shared this tale of seduction with me when I started talking about writing Fork Me. As a matter of fact, I quickly found that talking about this project provoked an avalanche of ideas and commentary from almost every person in my life.

By the way, the pair from the dinner date story married about a year after the mango and chocolate laden feast. So it would appear that the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach. 

Amy: True story. Not my own, but a true story. 

De’Vannon: I don’t know why I’m getting like, like dad joke, energy from, from, from, from this.

Somehow it’s like, Because what are dad jokes? It’s dad jokes are like super funny. You know? They’re not supposed to be funny. Right, right. But it just lightens the mood and it, it’s a good litmus test if somebody takes themself. Too serious. Yeah. Yeah. And I love me, a [00:19:00] good dad joke. They 

Amy: actually told me that story as a couple.

I have both, both. Members of that couple were telling the story together and then this happened, and then this happened. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you took me back to the moment. Like I can still picture the moment of the two of them telling me that story, Lenny. 

De’Vannon: Hmm. Were you were you turned on by the story?

Confused, overwhelmed, all of it. What were your emotions at that time? 

Amy: I was a little bit drunk. We were actually, it was on a, it was on a wine tour through Sonomas Green Valley. Hmm. For journalists. And so, yeah, they, I mean, I’ve been well overserved by that point.

De’Vannon: Well, we won’t say which Wine tour Overserved the youngest, you know, people I know they like to be sure people get their damn money’s worth up there. But is there a certain wine tour? In any part of the world. I don’t know, Napa Valley, Sonoma, like what’s your top two wine tours you might recommend to people?[00:20:00]


Amy: I don’t know. I mean, this was, this was just, this was a special event for wine professionals. They spent, spent three days, no, we spent three days with them. Like, it was like overnight camp for people who drink. Yeah. 

De’Vannon: Okay. I think I’ll just sign my cell phone for that. I’m, I’m, I’m journalist enough, you know.

Hmm. Okay. So that, so Amy, what is an aphrodisiac food? 

Amy: Okay, so it’s complicated. So like, the f d a definition is something that immediately, you know, Is immediately arousing. And according to that definition, they say that that an aphrodisiac doesn’t actually exist. Right. I love your face. Yeah.

Aphrodisiacs do exist. That definition is far too narrow. I understand it’s there to protect people from weird things sold in gas stations, you know what I mean? You know, like, yeah. Yeah. So, so, [00:21:00] but an aphrodisiac really is a food. Desire. It can be a food that improves your sexual health, or it can be a food that has an immediate physical effect that might make you want to tear off your clothes.

Might make you feel a little tingle. I. So there are many, many, there are many I like. I, I can tell you for each different food, this is when to use it. This is how to use it. Pineapple great for men. You should eat it every day because it’s going to improve your sexual health and potentially your sex drive immensely.

It’s also good for your heart health and you know you wanna live a long life. But eat a chili pepper. During an evening of seduction or afternoon of seduction, whenever you like to do it because it’s going to raise your body temperature, make you feel like tearing off your clothes. It’s gonna make your tongue tingle.

It’s gonna make you feel like kissing someone. If you eat enough chili, And [00:22:00] I’m, I’m not a spice person, so I will never eat this much chili, but if you eat enough, you can actually even get like an endorphin rush, that sort of great runner’s high kind of feeling. So yeah, Chili’s are your like food of 

De’Vannon: seduction.

That could be why you wrote that whole book about Chile aphrodisia. 

Amy: Well, I wrote that book because the publisher asked. 

De’Vannon: That works too. 

Amy: Exactly. Sometimes we just have to make really boring choices. 

De’Vannon: Well, the poster probably had a good twirl with some chili and got inspired. No, no doubt. Yeah, so, okay, so to the f d I would like to say, fuck you up the ass with no lube.

With the porcupine dildo, because clearly no one over there is getting laid either. So no, they’re from PPF chains and they’ll take his ass over to the fda. And then I’m gonna say like some of the people from the United States Air Force two who write regulations. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Nothing to do with this, but I’m gonna digress for a moment.

When I was a [00:23:00] military recruiter for the Air Force, my office was in San Bernardino on Second Street by the In-N-Out Burger.

They also worked on Lare and rodeo and down. Oh wow. That’s near me. Yes, girl. We could have like had us some fucking crispy cream and wine on the patio and so we could have, yeah. But in the, in the book Rev regulations, you know, they were saying they don’t want anyone to join the Air Force who’s had like an orgy or like, things like that.

And I was like, why in the fuck are y’all in people’s business like this? Stop being such a goddamn parent, Republican. Get you some damn weed and go do something. 

Amy: Why would that ever matter? A, why would it ever matter? B, why would it ever be any of their business? I mean, 

De’Vannon: Yeah, they do shit like that. Yeah.

Like I’m about to sit there and ask somebody, so tell me about your sex life. That’s how I don’t even know how that was legal to be in the record. Yeah. Right. Yeah. But when there is no checks and balances, that’s the what g people, agencies under authority do whatever the fuck they want. [00:24:00]But so, Thank you for that beautiful definition of aphrodisiac foods.

I say aphrodisiac cuz it’s just myki. I don’t wait, wait for Miriam Westford, none of those bitches to tell me what a word is supposed to be. As long as you understand what the fuck I mean, then it’s a word, period. Done. I 

Amy: like it. My, my daughter would like you. 

De’Vannon: I’d love her. We’d go get us some wine together.

Amy: Well, she’s seven, so maybe not yet 

De’Vannon: down here in the south, they start us off drinking around five or so. And so so do you think that the effect of aphrodisiacs have to do with like the, the type of mind someone has? Did you know, like in the drug world? Oh yeah. So first it might be more susceptible to weed versus crystal meth versus, versus L S D, you know?

Amy: Yeah, yeah. I mean, so it’s, it’s every every [00:25:00] part of it Yes. Is going to be, it’s not necessarily just how much of an impact it has on you physiologically, but also like if you like a food. Right. It’s gonna be more effective. Mm-hmm. If you dislike a food, it’s never gonna work. So, you know, and it’s also our, our, our nutritionally it’s, it’s what you need.

If it’s giving you something you already have enough of, maybe it won’t be as effective on you as getting something that you need. So one of my favorite examples is oysters, and I know they’re a cliche, but yes, they really are aphrodisiac for a number of reasons, and most of it is cuz they’re just, Sensational for your sex life nutritionally.

But oysters. So you, you could be eating oysters because they’re a really great source of zinc, improves blood [00:26:00] flow. Important for male hormones. If you have enough zinc, it probably doesn’t matter. So that’s one side. If you don’t have enough zinc, you, you might feel the effects of the oyster. More than someone, or if you’re hungry because they’re a great source of digestible protein and maybe all of a sudden you just feel virile because you were starving and you ate these oysters and you have all this energy.

On the other side, if you hate oysters, like you’re not even gonna swallow one anyway. So what’s it matter? And whoever you know prepared this meal of oysters for you just wasted their time. They’re not getting any. So there are many, many, many, many ways that you can approach this topic, and it really comes down to really, if you are trying to plan a romantic evening for someone or or romantic meal for someone, it comes down to thinking about what they like.

Just give them what they like. 

De’Vannon: And if what [00:27:00] they like happens to be located in your aphrodisiac food books, well then that’s a win. You know, get the lube out and get ready. And so does it matter how the oysters are prepared? Is this more like for a raw oyster or does, does it matter if you fry it? Are you cooking the aphrodisiac effects out or no, 

Amy: you’re not going to cook The aphrodisiac effects out.

That being said There are some preparations with oysters that are really heavy. Cream sauces, bacon, those kind of things. Heavy foods will slow you down. They make you feel a lot less like having sex. Right? So, as a general rule, I tend to tell people to steer toward lighter foods. So a lighter preparation is better, but you could just, you know, throw ’em on a barbecue.


De’Vannon: delicious. Throw that bitch on the Barbie, does how turned you on or attracted to the person [00:28:00] affect it? Can it enhance it? Because clearly if you’re with Yeah. That you don’t, you just view as a friend, it’s not gonna work. So I guess it’s something we should do when we actually have some sexual interest in someone as, yeah, 

Amy: I mean, that’s generally what I tell people.

Like if there’s no attraction, because it’s never gonna happen. That being said, Tell you another story, and this one’s actually mine. When I was working on Forme Spoony, I had this friend bachelor. You know, he, he lived alone, didn’t know how to cook, and he didn’t live too far from me. And when you write a cookbook, you have to test the recipes over and over and over again to the point where you don’t even wanna look at the food anymore.

And so, I would call him up and say, Hey, I have all this extra food. Come over and just give him food. And I kept feeding him and feeding him and feeding him. And we’re now married. We have [00:29:00]two children. I had never thought of him. I never felt like an attraction. I never considered him as a potential partner.

And then he ate my aphrodisiac food.

De’Vannon: Oh, you use that voodoo on him. I love it. Mm-hmm.

Well, you really, really, I love how, I love how meaningful, though, like your bond is because it wasn’t sexual at first. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Then your natural things happened over time. After foods enhance things, you know, to whatever they agree, and then over time, you know what? You were consistent. He was consistently available.

Everything lined up right. You weren’t no rush. You know, you just don’t see that anymore these days. 

Amy: Yeah, yeah. That’s so true. We were in no rush. We weren’t looking for it. We weren’t hurrying it. It [00:30:00] just evolved. 

De’Vannon: It just evolved. I love it and I love me. Some good oysters. There’s restaurants down here before the hurricanes Ravage does.

You can go get oysters for 25 cents each. 

Amy: Delicious. Oh, that sounds amazing. 

De’Vannon: Four bucks a dozen. And these weren’t them Little bitty, cheeky, cheeky ones. These bastards were like the big as the palm of my hand. Wow. Back in the day. Of course, we’re down here right by the Gulf of Mexico. Right. So, so now I think it’s like, I don’t know, whatever the hell, but I’m probably gonna go back over there on Tuesday, you know, and get me some more serious shit.

Have, it’s like an oyster happy hour that they have at this restaurant, right? Called Bahrain here. If nobody has been there, I do recommend it. A room. Oh my gosh. So I’m, I’m getting like flashbacks of that scene from White Chicks where Terry Cruz’s character is getting in the bm Oh no. Gets in the M bmw and it takes, takes the girl over to the restaurant.

Have you seen white [00:31:00] chicks? No. My gosh. Oh my gosh. I’m gonna need you to make this a part of your next date night after with your husband. He’s all like Have you heard that oysters are an aphrodisiac and he’s being all goofy. Oh, no. Hung out. Right? And like Oh,

oh no. It’s like a whole thing. Yeah. It’s like a whole scene in that movie. Or just go to YouTube and look up white in the scene. Yeah. It’ll fucking come up. It’s like, incredible. So you mentioned men’s health. Mm-hmm. For for, for, for, for foods. Yeah. Very, very, very like, important topic in men’s health.

You know, due to our anatomical makeup, we consume so many, you know, sending more calories than women doing things like that. Mm-hmm. Pineapples and everything. Is there anything else specific to men in particular? 

Amy: Yes, there is. There’s a lot. There’s [00:32:00] a lot you can do by changing the way you eat and the way you approach food.

And in fact, my latest project, it’s exactly what I’m working on right now, we’re calling it the Better Sex Bundle for men, and it’s a whole like plan. It includes an ebook on those foods. And, you know, your own menu, planning, some suggestions of how to menu plan and all of these things, all the tools you need to, you know, to eat better.

And, and like, first of all, acknowledge. Acknowledge what you need, right? Acknowledge that it’s there and that. And then move forward with it, with delicious, yummy, tasty, fabulous real food. But you can get a taste of it now. So the, so that’s coming out soon, but for now, you can just go to eat something sexy.com right there on the homepage.

There’s a button to click for the 10 Best Foods for Men. There’s one for women too. And you [00:33:00] can, you can kind of get a preview of what I’m working on. So I work with, we have a nutritionist who works on our, who’s on the team at Eat Something Sexy. And she and I came up with this list together.

By the way, the nutritionist is also a chef. Like she’s worked as an executive chef in restaurants. Like she loves food. She’s not just telling you about health. So we have this list of the 10 foods that are really gonna help men. Support men’s sexual health. We did the same thing for women but it’s consistently men who come to me, and so I wanted to create a better support product for men.

So, yeah. So come find out what the 10 are and there’ll be more soon. I didn’t mean to make a commercial, but I kind of did, didn’t I? 

De’Vannon: And cut. Yes. Perfect Money shot right there. Money take. We got it. We got it. It’s wrap y’all. So I’m here for all of that, y’all. She has a lot of free [00:34:00] resources and recipes on her website.

It’s really quite generous, especially considering her body of work, though that doesn’t surprise me since you’re out there feeding the less fortune like that. So there you go. I’m happy to hear that your consultant friend is who is a chef also loves food. Yes. So I, I would hope so. I would not trust a cook that won’t eat or somebody who’s talking about, you know, they don’t, you know, eat at their own restaurant or something.

Right. Like that. 

Amy: Yeah, no, she she actually co-wrote the dessert book with me mm-hmm. And she helped me to find ways to pu like weave Nutritionist. Nutritionist, yeah. Right. Nutritious ingredients into dessert. Without, you know, sacrificing dessert flavors. So that was, that was a really cool odyssey. It’s called eat cake naked if anyone is interested.

But yeah, she showed me how like you can use coconut flour or chickpea flour instead of white flour. Not in everything, but in certain, trust me, not in everything, but in certain recipes. [00:35:00] It’s, it was really fun. It was really fascinating there. Nutritionists are smart people. She’s particularly clever. 

De’Vannon: I like it.

I can’t wait to have wine with her one day. I’m sure she has some great, oh yeah, she’s, yep. 

Amy: Yes. And when I, when she came to my baby shower, she brought me wine, so, 

De’Vannon: Oh, she waited. When, when my homegirl had her baby, I showed up with the bottles in the hospital. I’m like, you popped the kid out, right? Well, this is gonna go great by, oh, no, this 

Amy: was, this was before the kid was born.

She actually, she brought me a bottle of vodka and a bottle of wine, and she said, soon. 

De’Vannon: Okay. So, so she was ahead of me, you know? Mm-hmm. I’m all about, I’m all about getting ready. I’m like, girl, you’ve been on the clock for a while. You’re about to get off work. Let’s Yep. To sauce up. So on, on the topic of sexual men’s health, and this has nothing to do with food.

Mm-hmm. But if you’re trying to have better sexual performance and mm-hmm. Everything like that, I [00:36:00] recommend prostate massages and mm-hmm. Yep. Which is not something that I’ve really had to use before, but now that I’m single after a five year relationship, I’ve had to expand my options because I don’t wanna say men out here ain’t shit, but, In Baton Rouge, they are very, yeah.

They my very lost, they are very anti my Los Angeles state of 

Amy: mind. Right, right, right, right, right, right. As soon as you said Baton Rouge, I understood why you’re looking forward to coming back to Los Angeles. Yeah. 

De’Vannon: Okay. Right, and so, mm-hmm. So the prostate massage was actually something I inherited from the breakup, and I never really used it while I was with him because I had dick all the time.

And so, you know, he more enjoyed it and I was just kind of like, the thing was too strong for me, cuz I mean, the vibration, these things could shake the fucking earth from, but I, but I don’t know why now, but I guess maybe now that I’m more relaxed now that I’m no longer with him. [00:37:00] Mm-hmm. I would reach over to that thing.

It’s like my body was able to accept it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And so like I was reading in Men’s Health, and this is how I discovered where we can take that, I believe it’s called like a PC muscle. It’s down there, we call it, or a taint or whatever you wanna call it, between like our asshole and our nut sack.

Yeah. Clench that fucker. And you can do like ma masturbation exercises with it. When I have that prostate massager in me, it’s almost like it’s doing it for me to an extent. Okay. 

Amy: I mean, obviously I, I don’t know. This is not something I’ll ever experience, but that makes sense. Yeah. And I think these, you know, it is important to keep all of that in working order, and I do think men neglect prostate health far too often.

So, yeah, I mean, absolutely. 

De’Vannon: So look into it. I did a, we, I did a show. You know, with a lovely woman named Lola Jean, you can go back and find it. And she was [00:38:00] recommending all the prostate massages and all mm-hmm. All of that so I can go back and look at it. Yeah. So, and I, and I mentioned the word masturbation and then we’re gonna talk about women’s sexual health too, because you know, women first, can I forget my girl?

Oh, let’s twirl bitches. So can we use aphrodisiac foods if we’re gonna have a sexy night to ourself? Because I like to preach masturbation, like lighting candles and pouring your own wine. And fuck if you have somebody there with you. I don’t believe masturbation is secondary to sex, penetrative sex or meat one.

So if somebody’s alone and feeling left out thinking, well, damn, I wish I had somebody to do this with, you know, what do you think? Oh 

Amy: yeah. In fact, in in the new betters sex bundle for men, that is one of the things that I address is that, hey, you know, you wanna keep this whole system running.

Masturbation is a good idea and it can be, it can be partner masturbation or. [00:39:00] A lovely night, romancing yourself, whatever, and yeah, and if it helps you to kind of have that aphrodisiac meal, if it helps you too. This is actually something I talk about more with women because for women they see it more as a part of self-care that women tend not to allow themselves.

And so I do a lot of talking to women and it doesn’t even have to involve for women, it doesn’t even have to involve like the masturbation part. It’s really more about the self-love of it. You know? Mm-hmm. Just that evening, have a romantic evening with yourself. Give yourself a date. Romance yourself.

De’Vannon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I do that shit fucking well. That’s like, I, I identify more with like, Feminine energy on most days than masculine energy. So I’m all about, I pluck my Vero plants and mm-hmm. I’m such a desert rat. You know, I got pluck my elephant. I do my, I own like facials, got all this glitter and shit.

I do my own body waxing, body mud wraps and everything. Got the [00:40:00] champagne going and the music and the can. Yep. Yep. That’s just like a Monday night in my house. Well, 

Amy: for most women, yeah, we don’t take the time. And we need to, we need to have that self-love evening because that is, that’s like romancing yourself.

That is your, you know, my romantic time with me. Women often skip romantic time with anyone, and then if they wonder why things aren’t going well with their partners, sometimes well kinda love yourself first. You gotta show yourself a 

De’Vannon: little. Yeah. Like Mama RuPaul’s. Sad. I’m gonna say it again. A RuPaul, we feel your spirit with us.

If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love anyone else there? I heard it said differently. You cannot give away what you don’t have. Yeah. And what I have seen, like you’re saying, women become the nurturers in the right. Family. They’re taking care of every god damn body right now. Her nerves were bad.

She hadn’t gotten her hair done, you know? Sometimes she walks in the house and [00:41:00] nobody even gives her a compliment. The woman’s underappreciated and she’s gotten used to this right? Misin, my hypnotherapist, hy hypnotist hat. Cause I’m a licensed hypnotist as well as a licensed massage therapist. You know, her neuro pathways have been wired to accept that abuse is common.

Yep. But not today. Satan.

Amy: Exactly. 

De’Vannon: Oh, and I guess this would be the same thing for women as a man, depends on the food, but like how for men pineapple, is there a certain thing that’s kind of like the precipice or like superly popular for women? Even though it’s not gonna apply to all of all of them, okay. Most 

Amy: women are gonna love this answer.

Dark chocolate. 

De’Vannon: Oh hell yes. 

Amy: It’s actually more beneficial to women than it is to men’s, sorry, men. And, but it has to be dark chocolate. Yes. Darker the better. Dark chocolate actually has some [00:42:00] nutrition. You can’t, that you just won’t get from like a milked chocolate or you, you know, so darker the better.

You’re going to get nutrient, you’re going to get fiber, you’re going to get magnesium. Believe it or not, you’re gonna get all these antioxidants that are going, you know, it’s like your Fountain of Youth. You’re eating your Fountain of Youth, right? Mm-hmm. And it will even, it has many effects, one of which is it will help balance the pH of your lady parts.

Mm-hmm. Well balanced lady parts from eating chocolate. 

De’Vannon: Yes, my girls, we gotta keep the pH well balanced in south there. Like I’ve, I’ve heard the stories, everything like that. My, my, my girls keep it real with me, you know, they tell me Yeah. You know, helping, helping their friends put tampons in and everything.

And, oh, like when I say, when I say, I’m such a lady, you don’t know. I’ve been behind the veil and I’m very comfortable. You know. Okay. You know, hanging out with my girls and, you know, and I [00:43:00] wish, I wish women’s success. I wish y’all equal treatment. Mm-hmm. Equal a I wish, I wish you power po. Powerful positions in government cuz the patriarchy has fucked this country up.

I, I, I wish women ran everything. I have no problems. Follow. 

Amy: I totally agree. Now I don’t wanna run anything, but I would like to see women in charge. 

De’Vannon: Mm-hmm. So, okay. People who are dating and such, let’s talk about mm-hmm. Date nights. Mm-hmm. Valenti Times might be more coy or whatever, but I find the two to be interchangeable.

What are some good recommendations for date nights? 

Amy: Okay, so one of my favorite things to recommend, especially if you feel like you need some, like reconnection time, cook a meal together. Make it something simple. Do not be ambitious. Do not pick a recipe that will take hours [00:44:00] to prepare. That’s just not fun.

Make it something simple. I often suggest make sushi together. It’s light. It’s, it’s very hands-on, you know, to make it it’s not that hard. I mean, Great sushi is, you know, takes an amazingly talented and well-trained chef, but you can make homemade sushi and it’s delicious, right? Or something, even something as simple as like, put together a fondue and, you know, dip feed each other the whole thing.

But yes, cook something simple together. The, the act of cooking requires teamwork. It requires planning and cooperation and all of these things can help you reconnect and be there for each other. And once you start being part of a team cooking, you can carry that through to the bedroom after you’ve eaten all your 

De’Vannon: aphrodisiac, I’m all about some bedroom time.

Amy: We could carry the whole meal along to the bedroom or you could just [00:45:00] skip the meal altogether. Just leave it there in the kitchen. Maybe make something cold. Right. Just leave it there in the kitchen 

De’Vannon: and don’t forget to cook with an apron on with no clothes on underneath. 

Amy: Right, right, right. I do. I do have to tell People always wear an apron.

Yes, yes. In fact, I used to sell aprons that just said, always wear an apron. That’s it. Nothing. Little naked, little naked chick on it. Always wear an apron. 

De’Vannon: Abso fucking lutely. So is there anything that you feel like would be terrible for a date night? Just too messy or too, like you already said. Nothing heavy, but any, nothing 

Amy: heavy.

Nothing complicated? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Oh, and nothing that’s like gross and messy to eat, you know, like sloppy, messy, like don’t have wings. That’s just gross.

That is not date food. There are certain foods that just aren’t date foods and you know, I mean, when you see one, you’ll be like, eh, it’s not a date food. Mm-hmm. [00:46:00]

De’Vannon: My God, I’ve gotten so much better now I can eat wings and just have all the gunk of my hands. I don’t know what the fuck where I was at in my like journey on this earth, but when I was much, much younger.

Man, that shit needs to be all up in my elbow. I would be all just fucking burying my whole existence in this existence. It’s 

Amy: annoying.

Yeah. Not a good look for a date. I mean it. It’s fine. If you wanna do that on self-love Tuesday, go for it. But that is not, like, that is not something your partner wants. They, that, that memory will be, that image will be burned into their mind. It’s just not, not happening. 

De’Vannon: Do you think it’s okay to kind of get a little sloppy with it?

Say you’ve been married 10, 20 years and you really know each other. Should we still keep it Super cute. I, 

Amy: I mean, this is, that’s a very individual thing. I am of the opinion that this should be, you know, if you’re [00:47:00] making it something special, make it something special, and yeah, probably keeping it cute.

However, if digging into a basket of a basket, a bucket of wings together really turns you on, like, who am I to say that that’s wrong?

I, you know, so everything, it’s a, it’s a very personal 

De’Vannon: journey. You know what? Gotta have that good old chicken fetish. 

Amy: Yes. If you have a chicken fetish, like, don’t let me get in your way.

De’Vannon: Okay, so I’m gonna shift gears here cause those were pretty much the main questions that I, okay. I have for you and your delicious body of work. And then I’ll sum up your website and your social media and everything here in a little bit. Have you ever heard of the 50 Shades of Chicken Cookbook? I have, 

Amy: but I’ve, I’ve never seen it.

video1963842841: Why?

De’Vannon: What is it? I was just, I was just, just when I was reading, researching you for the show and everything came into my mind because that. [00:48:00] I think that that is the, the only erotic cookbook. I might have another book that I haven’t used. I think they may have made a 50 Shades of Bacon. Oh, did they? And I, and I was just gonna ask you like your opinion on it.

You know, since you are a clearly a conno sword, an expert in the erotic, you know, an erotica when it comes to food and everything. I 

Amy: thought that was a much more, I, I have not seen it, but I, I, I took it when I heard about it, that it was a very tongue in cheek sort of thing. Mm-hmm. That it was just, you know, playing with the the 

De’Vannon: name it is and, and the recipes in there.

And, and I’m gonna Hell, I might go, I don’t know, like, I dunno, this like this has got me wanting to go in the kitchen and do some things. I’m gonna be wondering her book, the Fork Fork Me Spoon Me one when we get off of this interview, because I think that title is just so goddamn tive and so fucking cute.

You know? Fork me, spoon me. I’m gonna make us a little [00:49:00] spark baby, you know? Mm-hmm. I just love it and so, okay. So I’m like, my mind is still swirling around on these dad jokes. You, you strike me as a type of, a type of woman who could appreciate a dad joke, a dad joke now dad, or that’s not really your face.

Amy: No, I can appreciate a dad joke for sure. You know any, I, I’m not off the top of my head. No, I’m, I’m very bad at like, joke recall. 

De’Vannon: Okay, let me, let me, let me think. I’m just gonna, like, I’ve never told like a dad joke on my show before. I just, you have such a, like, playful nature about you that you have not lost touch with your inner child.

Mm-hmm. You’re super in touch with your sexuality and people know like your sexual nature, and I don’t mean like her woman sexuality at all. I mean like her sex drive sexuality, and I don’t think a lot of people realize. How being okay with yourself as a sexual being and [00:50:00] not holding any shame about that.

Mm-hmm. Embracing it, which is heads off to you for being a woman, cuz God knows the patriarchy have told you everything about you needs to be diminished. And you know, for finding your own voice and rising above that, but your creativity, your ability to produce and to be successful is tied to your sex drive and your ability to feel sexual and be okay with it, not disrespect other people with it.

And to thrive because that is a gift God gave you to. So to deny any part of you stifles your creativity. And when I look at you, you have enlightened eyes. Your voice is clear. You know who the fuck you are and why you are, and you’re comfortable in your own goddamn skin. And. And out of that I get dad jokes comfortable and 

Amy: outta that.

Yeah. You get dad jokes. 

De’Vannon: Yeah. Is there, is there anything you would like to say before I tell a joke or two and then I get, you know, remind everyone if we Oh no, I’m, I can’t wait 

Amy: to hear the jokes. 

De’Vannon: Let’s go. No. Is there, no. Is there anything [00:51:00] that you would like to say about what I was saying about how sex being in touch with ourselves sexually, it’s important for success and happiness?


Amy: a hundred percent. And not just like, not just your, your success in the bedroom or wherever you like to do it, but in life definitely. You have to, you know, kind of embrace all of, all of that’s a big part of you that needs embracing and a lot of people forget or fail to feel comfortable, you know, find their comfort level with it.

De’Vannon: Yeah. No, we don’t mean. You know what, Lisa, I don’t mean like the act of having sex. That doesn’t mean you actually accept yourself sexually. That’s completely different. Cause there’s lots of people with sex addictions and things like that who have all kinds of sex, who hate themselves, right? They mean the whole fucking ball, the whole fucking train, the bus, everything.

Then left the station without them. That’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about self love. You know? Yes. And touch with their sexuality cuz sex is something that is supposed to [00:52:00] be, the act of sex is something that’s supposed to be an extension of joy and happiness and self-acceptance. Not trying to get acceptance, you know?

Right. Already be done. And I do 

Amy: wanna, actually, I do wanna add on that, that you know, you, you kind of need a. Team in your corner for this, right? Like look at, if you look at an elite athlete and they have a whole team behind them making everything work. And so like, I, I will be part of your, I’m part of your team, you’ve got my cookbooks.

You can go look at, you know, what foods you should be eating. I’m part of your team, but you need other members to your team. And for some people, They me, like I, I know one woman that I worked with, she needed guided meditation. Someone to, to do guided meditation with her as part of her team to help her get over previous sexual trauma, right?

You need other team members. You may need a urologist. Who, you know, may, there may be an, a medical problem [00:53:00] you need, but you need this team. You need to find your team and, you know, get your people around you. You deserve, everybody deserves their team and I think a lot of people think they don’t, but you deserve your team and you need to find your team and have them help you build yourself up.

De’Vannon: Hallelujah tabernacle and praise because no man is an island. You might, you can’t be a a, you know, you cannot be on an island and exist alone. If God wanted you that way, then he would not have made us so communicable by nature. You know, I. Because even if you call yourself staying at home and not fucking with people and you’re sitting there watching reality TV and every goddamn social media real, guess what?

You’re connecting with people. You’re trying to, yes. You don’t exist as an island unless you’re literally sitting around with no technology, and even if you’re hanging out and a fucking bird flies over you, there’s no such thing as being alone unless you fall under the unfortunate circumstance of becoming alone in your own mind.

Mm-hmm. Then you could have the [00:54:00] best team right in front of you and with you and feel like they’re nothing. Yeah. So here’s the mental health and spiritual growth. Mm-hmm. So bad joke number one. Why is it not a good idea to show horror movies to Easter eggs? Why? Because there are a bunch of little chickens.


oh gosh, yes. Y so true. Oh yeah. I’m only gonna tell two more. And these Easter ones that we just had Easter and what did the, what did the, the, the ch the big chocolate Easter Bunny, like the kind you get from the store, whatever mm-hmm. Say to the doctor. The doctor asked him what’s wrong with him? Oh no.

What’d he say? He said, oh doc, I feel so empty inside.[00:55:00]

Amy: I’ll save that one for my kids. Yeah, 

De’Vannon: I know. I’m not the only who was pissed off. You know, your parents get you this big, huge fucking chocolate bunny. I think you’re about to chump on some shit. You bite that fucker’s head off and he’s hollow. Yeah. Still cheat it. Totally, totally. Okay. Last one. Last one.

When does a joke become a dad joke? When? When it becomes apparent. Oh, 

Amy: I should have seen that one coming. Oh.

De’Vannon: Okay, y’all. This has been Amy Riley, the host of a great, many sexy, seductive cookbooks, which are all gonna be found in the show notes. Her website is Eat something sexy.com. She is your local resident in worldwide Aphrodisiac foods expert who has a shitload of education [00:56:00] behind her and a ton of love in her heart.

A super open-minded woman who is just trying to help you get a little bit further down your journey. On Facebook, Twitter. Instagram, Pinterest, all the fucking goddamn things. Enjoy having you Do. You have, and thank you so much for coming on my show. Do you have any last words or anything you would love to say to me?

The world, to everyone, to your husband. Oh my goodness. Whatever. You know. You 

Amy: know what? Thank you so much. This was, it was like I’m filled with warm fuzzies from this end. I dunno why, but I’m filled with the warm fuzzies from this hour. It was really, it was great. It was a great time and you made me think, you made me not just talk but think.

So thank you 

De’Vannon: ab to fucking lu and thank you so much for coming on the show today. God bless all my audience. We love you all. We will see you soon.

[00:57:00] Thank you all so much for taking time to listen to the Sex Drugs in Jesus podcast. It really means everything to me. Look, if you love the show, you can find more information and resources at Sex Drugs in jesus.com or wherever you listen to your podcast. Feel free to reach out to me directly at Davanon Sex Drugs and jesus.com and on Twitter and Facebook as well.

My name is Davanon, and it’s been wonderful being your host today. And just remember that everything is gonna be all right.


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